Thursday, September 20, 2007

Wiki equals Fast: Do we know who's driving our car?

Wiki in Hawaiian means fast. (Ukulele in Hawaiian means jumping flea.)

Probably because of Wikipedia I tend to think of a wiki as an encyclopedia-type site. Some of the library sites I looked at seem closer to blogs. Probably not a big difference.

The Bull Run Library wiki is a good example of a problem: It looks like an official library site, with a heading consisting of photos of interiors of the branch library (it's part of Prince William County (VA) Public Library system), but under "About this website" is the statement "This wiki is not sponsored by nor associated with the library system. It is maintained by one library patron." That perhaps explains a later statement under the same heading: "If this wiki does not meet with your expectations, please feel free not to use it." So much for the image of a friendly librarian. With friends like that, do we need enemies?

I didn't add to the Infopeople wiki (challenge 17) as there is no privacy policy on the site, and also because I'm tired of trying to figure out if my login name needs to be my email address, or Marianaria Sra. Bibliotecaria. I think I'm getting burnt out from entering all the different sites for the 23 things.

23 Things 16 & 17

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